Health, Dental, Vision & Travel Insurance

  Dear insured,

The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and dates back to the times of ancient Greeks. Here in America, in 1907, Anna Jarvis, a Philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a National Mother's Day in honor of her mother, Ann Jarvis. In 1914, Anna's hard work finally paid off when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a national holiday of mothers.

Now, it is generally agreed that Mothers are wise and always right. And they are very good at giving advice. Some of these suggestions, or rather, lessons, remain with us forever and keep guiding us. I'm sure there's some phrase you heard over and over that still lingers with you. And looking back, now that we're all grown up, many times we give credit to those phrases for who we are today.

I hope your Mother's Day is wonderful, full of beautiful memories - past, present, and future.
   The Top Ten Mother´s Day Gift Ideas...
   A spa visit for a little extra pampering.
   Fresh flowers...delivered!
   Perfume or fragrance.
   Diamonds...real or faux!
   Chocolate...enough said...
   Gift baskets.
   Gourmet gifts.
   Short vacations for a quick getaway.
  Just remember, sometimes the gifts Mom may most cherish are absolutely free - a hug, a visit, a handmade craft or help with a chore... the kinds of things everyone can afford to give!

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Jim Barricks
Phone: (877) 566-5454
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