20 Questions for Alcoholics Anonymous
12 Questions for Marijuana Anonymous
Another 20 Questions
Thinkaholic 20 Questions
Reality Check
12 Promises for Beginners
12 Promises of Drinking
12 Steps to Total and Complete Insanity
12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
Original "How It Works"
Bill Wilson letter on Citizens Again
AA Original Manuscript
Big Book Musts
Bill Wilson letter on Emotional Sobriety
Bill Wilson Obituary
12 Principles Behind The Twelve Steps
The Complete Serenity Prayer
Sponsor Doll
The Sponsor
Rent A Sponsor
The Butterfly
A Letter from Lois Wilson
The Butterfly for Children
How to Meditate
Acceptance by William James
The Will of God
Alcohol's Disastrous Promise
Autobiography in 5 short chapters
Sixteen Relapse Symptoms
Peaceful Flowers to Meditate On
God Is...
Alanon Jokes
Click to open new window to The 4 Absolutes
Clarence S. list of character defects
Thomas Merton Prayer
The Man in the Glass
10 Little Alkies
Uptight Before Christmas
We Drank For:
Saint Francis Prayer
Saint Teresa of Avila
Boogie Thru Life
I Stand By The Door
The Washingtonians
Sponser vs Therapist
Humility Plaque on Dr Bob's Desk
Dr. Bob's Rx
Dr. Bob's Camel Story
Dr Bob's Farewell (Last) Talk
AA Acronyms
Original 6 Steps in Bill W's own Handwriting
Downward Spiral
The Touch of the Master's Hand
Stress Management
Dr. Paul Interview
Amazing Grace
Sandskrit Prayer
Memo from God
The Boy and the Starfish
Eye of God
Ten Things God Won't Ask
You Are Special
Ten Guidelines From God
The Fern and the Bamboo
Footsteps in the Sand
Are you AWARE of how you are feeling now?
Heaven or Hell?
The Elephant and the Blind Men
May You be Blessed Movie
Carry Your Cross
The Little Things
Lords Prayer (Specially done)
Animated GOD Sign
Fulton Oursler
Clancy I. 7 Essay Inventory Questions
AA Audios
5 1939 Cleveland Plains Dealer Articles (5 .jpg's)
5 1939 Cleveland Plains Dealer Articles ~ download (1.58mb .pdf file)
1939 AA Prospectus ~ download (5.85mb .pdf file)
Big Book with Search ~ download (192k .exe file)
2nd Big Book with Search ~ download (193k .exe file)
As Bill Sees It ~ download (222k .exe file)
A Letter from Lois Wilson ~ download (245k file)
12 & 12 with Search ~ download (172k .exe file)
1941 Jack Alexander Article ~ download (142k .pdf file)
Bill W - Carl Jung Letters ~ download (274k .pdf file)
The Rope ~ Powerpoint Message (846k .pps file)
I Am God ~ Powerpoint Message (866k .pps file)
TheseTenQuestions ~ Powerpoint Message (1.12mb .pps file)
Friendship ~ Powerpoint Message (638k .pps file)
The Butterfly ~ Powerpoint Message (1.6mb .pps file)
Good Lessons ~ Powerpoint Message (500k .pps file)
Beautiful Flowers ~ Powerpoint Message (572k file)
Lessons for a New Life ~ Powerpoint Message (734k file)
Secret Of Success ~ download (339k .doc file)
Enjoy the Ride ~ download (2.83mb .pps file)
Did you hear about the Dyslexic newcomer? He heard that page 69 was the sex page but by the time he got home he looked up page 96 and found this: "Do not be discouraged if your prospect does not respond at once. Search out another alcoholic and try again. You are sure to find someone desperate enough to accept with eagerness what you offer."
How about the alcoholic who fell off the Empire State building? At the window of each floor, as he fell past, they could hear him say "I'm all right soo far".
Then there was an alcoholic who woke up after a great San Francisco earthquake and said "How am I going to pay for all this?".
Two old timers are sitting around talking about the what type of meetings there are in heaven. They agreed that if they could, when one of them died he would find a way to come back and let the other one know. David died and Jim was very sad. Several months later Jim heard a whispered "Jim." He looks around and sees nobody. The voice again whispers "Jim." "David...is that you?" "Yes Jim...and I've brought you good news and bad news. The good news is that there are meetings going on all the time...the bad news is that you are speaking on Friday."
The Thirteenth Step: Lying in bed with a newcomer talking about the Twelve Steps.
There was a drunk walking along the beach one day. He kicked up a bottle with a cork in it. Thinking this might be drinkable, he opened it. A Genie popped out and granted him 2 wishes. For his first wish "I've always wanted a bottle of booze that never emptied!" "DONE!" said the Genie. The drunk tested it and sure enough the bottle filled up each time he took a slug of it. "What is your second wish?" asked the Genie. Replied the drunk "Can I have another one of these?"
All programs like AA, WW, etc require commitment. Don't be like the WW2 Japanese Kamikaze pilot who was on his 25th mission. Be committed to your program and yourself.
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who's the sickest of them all,
Could it be me by any chance,
Oh yes it is, I've wet my pants.
When in worry,
When in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout.
"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time." When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most."
Remember the story about the man who fell off the cliff. A small tree broke his fall. As he dangled precariously, with the abyss below, he called out "Is there anyone up there?". A booming voice answers "Yes, it is I. God." Terrified, the man begs God to help. God says "Okay, just let go." The man thinks it over, then yells "Is there anyone else up there?"
Have you heard about the latest 12 step group for compulsive talkers? It's called ... On and On Anon
An art teacher is going around the room checking on the pictures her class was drawing.
One little girl said "I'm drawing a picture of the countryside with all the peace that trees, animals and a small river can give it."
Another student said "I'm drawing a picture of the city with its tall buildings, of transportation and power."
Little Jimmie (future alcoholic) was hard at work on his drawing. The teacher asked "what are you drawing, Jimmie?"
"I'm drawing a picture of GOD!"
"But" said the teacher, "nobody knows what GOD looks like."
Jimmie answered "They will in a minute!"
Found on a wall in Germany: God is Dead! ~ Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1882
Written underneath was:
Nietzsche is dead! ~ GOD, August 25, 1900
The newcomer said "Enough about me now, let's talk about you. What do you think about me?"
Ever had (or been) a ‘Coyote Date’? Coyotes are known to chew off a paw to escape a trap. I have woken up next to someone I would gladly chew off my arm to keep from waking them.
A newcomer is having a discussion about God. He says "I don't believe in God! I was stuck on a block of ice in the middle of the river and I kept praying to God to rescue me and He didn't answer my prayer."
I asked him "Well you're here now...what happened?"
He replied "Oh, an eskimo, who just happened to by rowing by, picked me up and took me to shore."
As a newcomer is talking to an oldtimer, the oldtimer has a heart attack. As he slides down to the floor the newcomer follows him down still talking about himself. As the oldtimer is laying there gasping and saying "Call 911", the newcomer says "Ok, in just a moment but first, what do you think I should do about this situation I'm in?"
Relationships in AA: The odds are good but the goods are odd!
Have you ever noticed that uncomfortable moment at the end of your first AA date...
Do you kiss or hold hands and say the Lords Prayer?
How can you tell when two alcoholics are on their second date?
There is a moving van parked in one of their driveways.
What's the difference between an addict & an alcoholic?
Either will steal your wallet, but the addict will spend all night helping you look for it.
How many alcoholics does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one - he holds the lightbulb and the whole world revolves around him.
Arguing with your sponsor is like participating in the Special Olympics...
win or lose you are still retarded!
Not working the steps and wondering why nothing good is happening is like waiting in front of an empty fireplace waiting for heat...taint gonna' happen until you put wood into the fireplace.
The new Literature chair-lady was soo excited in making her first announcement she said "If it's soft, it's free...if it's hard, come see me!"
Beneath every skirt, there's a slip!
Behind every zipper, there's a slipper!
Why do they call the back row at an AA meeting the "shoe department"?
Because that's where you can find the slippers and loafers.
Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had a meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, 'Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!'
Miraculously, a parking place appeared.
Paddy looked up again and said, 'Never mind, I found one.'
Big Book reading mistakes:
Rarely have we seen a purple whale who has thoroughly followed our path.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our loves had become unmanageable.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our wives had become unmanageable.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmentionable.
Sought through prayer and medication...
Sought through pears and meditation...
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong probably admitted it.
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong proudly admitted it.
We will comprehend the word cemetery and we will know peace.
There are no Jews or Thieves for AA membership.
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