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Sponsor Doll
Already rung your sponsor five times this week - about the same thing? 
Too embarrassed to admit you've screwed up again?
Now A.A. Plastics Ltd. have come up with the perfect product for you!!!
 The A.A. Inflatable Talking Sponsor Doll !!!

Just tell your Sponsor Doll all your problems then pull the string and hear the same things your sponsor would tell you anyway.

With useful phrases such as : 
"Don't pick up"  "Go to meetings" and  "Work the steps", these A.A. Sponsor dolls are the perfect thing for the  modern recovering addict. 
The ever popular Ken and Barbie
Sponsor Dolls are favorites with 
young and old. Here they are in 
their "Trekkie" outfits for all you
burned-out acid-heads who 
haven't made it back to earth yet. 
Save time - Save embarrassment - save your sponsor for those important safe times when you've got something positive to share.
So buy your A.A. plastic, Inflatable, Talking Sponsor Doll today!!!
Comes in a variety of ages, races, sexual identities, creeds, religions or lack of religions.
Call 1-900-O-POOR-ME or 1-900-POUR-ME-1

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